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Signatury: SUM
Diary of a wimpy kid. Greg Heffley's journal
Vydáno: London Puffin 2008
Rozsah: 217 stran
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-141-32490-6 (brožováno)
Anotace ze serveru
Anotace: The hilarious and original global bestseller "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" - perfect for readers of 8+ and also reluctant readers, everyone loves the adventures of Greg Heffley. You can also discover "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" on the big screen in the major motion blockbusting "Wimpy Kid Movie" franchise. Let me get something straight: this is a JOURNAL, not a diary. This was Mom's idea, not mine. But if she thinks I'm going to write down my "feelings" in here or whatever, she's crazy. The only reason I agreed to do this at all is because I figure later on when I'm rich and famous, this book is gonna come in handy. But for now I'm stuck with a bunch of morons. Today is the first day of school, so I figured I might as well write in this book to pass the time. Just don't expect me to be all "Dear Diary" this and "Dear Diary" that
Poznámka: Obálkový podnázev: a novel in cartoons -- Dotisk r. 2010 -- Pro děti od 9 let
Hodnoceno: 1x

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